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FICO Eataly World, Bologna

FICO Eataly World

Experience Design
Interior Design
Immersive environments
Audiovideo and motion
Visual Identity
Data Visualisation
Fico Eataly World
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The Fico Eataly World rides: 5 multimedia pavilions
Fico Eataly World is a unique project: the largest food park in the world covers an area of more than 100,000 square meters. In this context, Limiteazero, in partnership with Clonwerk, was responsible for the design of five multimedia pavilions - for a total area of 1500 square meters - evocatively called “multimedia rides”, which tell the richness of Italian food biodiversity. Man and Fire, Man and Animals, Man and Earth, Man and Sea, Man from the Earth to the Bottle: these are the themes of the areas that embody this great narrative directly derived from the vision of Oscar Farinetti.
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Man and Fire
Our journey ideally starts from the dawn of time: in three architectural volumes, one of which is entirely covered in wood streaked with burns, this extraordinary story unfolds. Read more ▼ Through a spectacular multimedia timeline, we tell how fire was discovered and how it marked all the stages of human history: in this way we immerse ourselves in fire technology, which brings great innovations. Tool for cooking, heating, defending yourself and the fulcrum of sociality. A circular room wraps people in a 360° screen, where human silhouettes improvise a dance. In the center, a fire-hologram lit by two big hands stages the discovery.
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Man and the Animals
How many animals are you tall? A sensor reads the height and centimeters become the sum of ducks, pigs, horses and snails. What is the animal that gullies? And what is bubola? You can discover it by playing with two macro wheels and aligning the image with the corresponding verb: for each correct combination, the right sound will be emitted. Ingenious mirror installations on which half shapes of cows and other farm animals rest, reflect the other half and project information. A flock of origami-style birds floats in the air. An entire wall narrates the life of bees. The cat is the absolute protagonist of a table set up with a suggestive infographic.
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Man and the Earth
How was agriculture born? A dreamlike forest, from dawn to dusk and lots of bright fruits suspended to evoke the times of the man who gathers. Soon after, a field of LED ears sways in space and, as in a theater of shadows, the phases of agriculture in the Neolithic, Roman and medieval times are represented. Along the way, a robotic arm moves and, with a trompe-l'oeil effect through video projections, tills the earth, sows, irrigates and collects. An interactive table invites you to handle physical objects representative of the different plant species that, placed on sensitive points, visualize the history of coffee, tomato, eggplant... Playful face-in-hole element: wooden shapes of giant fruits, where by positioning your face you can photograph yourself. Fascinating aerial views of plowed fields follow one another in a zenith projection.
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Man and the Sea
The most environmentally friendly ride of all. How to respect the heritage preserved in the depths of the sea? A beacon installation, covered with monitors and surmounted by a light lantern, gives an insight into the world of fishing and the relationship between man and fish resources. The selfie area is playful, with the possibility of moving among the shapes of waves and fish tails that emerge. And like real sailors, boat stations complete with rudders to virtually navigate the hot spots of the Italian seas and discover farming and fishing techniques. Behind a curtain of suspended tires, the movie theater.
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The Man from the Earth to the Bottle
Questa giostra guida alla scoperta del vino, della birra e dell'olio italiani. I visitatori fanno scorrere una macina gigante e, in un coinvolgimento corporeo totale, a seconda dell'area in cui la posizionano, fanno apparire a monitor le diverse tecniche produttive. Si attraversa un'installazione di macro bottiglie-scultura in legno. E bottiglie vere, incastrate in una vasta parete, illustrano la storia dei contenitori. Una sagoma dell'Italia, con istogrammi verticali in legno, offre un grafico fisico e tridimensionale delle geografie produttive.
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Carabinieri. Biodiversity Keepers
Interactive exhibits
Visual Identity
Interior Design
Sustainable design
Samsung Resonance
Interactive exhibits
STEP FuturAbility District
Immersive environments
Audiovideo and motion
Visual Identity
Interactive exhibits
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